Meet our

Friendly team

We're a caring and friendly agency, we will work tirelessly on behalf of both our candidates and clients and firmly believe in creating a relaxed and personable service for both our clients and candidates to enjoy.

John Sims

Director & Founder

Direct Line: 01279 756967


Year I joined The Dove: Founder


Three best words to describe me: Honest, reliable & social


Favourite Drink: Vodka Fanta Lemon


Favourite Song: Anything from Les Miserables


Favourite Film: Once upon a time in America


Favourite past-time: Golf


Favourite place on earth: My bed


Favourite Animal: Dog


First thing I’d buy with £1m: A memory


Favourite food: Skate


If I could choose three people (dead or alive) for a dinner party: Spike Milligan, Muhamed Ali
& Robin Williams